vocaddict noun

  • A person who's addicted to Vocaloid culture, music, characters, at al.
  • A person who's addicted to vocalsynth on a whole
  • Someone who prefers the sounds of vocalsynth to real voices (90% of the time)
  • Allegedly not a fan of KYE - Not a fan of KYE

Nkosi | | ♂️ |

Engineering | Linguaphile | Tea | VoSynth | Whovian | Book Lover | Programmer

ENG/ESP OK! | 日本語/FRA/EPO learning!

  • I'm from this tiny place called Trinidad in the Caribbean.
  • I have a Bachelor of Applied Science in Process Engineering. I want to get into Computer Science and Linguistics eventually.
  • I'm an amateur writer and editor, and I really love to read.
  • I speak English and Spanish, and I'm relearning French. I'm trying to learn Japanese and Esperanto currently.
  • I'm addicted to hot liquid toothpaste peppermint tea.
  • My favourite colours are black, white, purple, red, and blue in that order.

VoXil Twitter Matsodon UtaForum VocaVerse Network

Audiomack Wattpad

Skype: vocaddict | Discord: VocAddict#0747

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