. // //-------------------- // // IMPORTANT NOTICE: // // Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. Instead, // please use the HashOver administration panel to graphically adjust // the settings, or create/edit the settings JSON file. // Automated settings class Settings extends SensitiveSettings { public $rootDirectory; public $commentsRoot; public $httpRoot; public $httpBackend; public $httpImages; public $domain; public $themePath; public $formFields; public $cfgQueries = array (); public function __construct () { // Set encoding mb_internal_encoding ('UTF-8'); // Get absolute root directory path $root_directory = dirname (dirname (__DIR__)); // Get HTTP root directory $http_directory = '/' . basename ($root_directory); // Replace backslashes with forward slashes on Windows if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { $root_directory = str_replace ('\\', '/', $root_directory); } // Root directory for script $this->rootDirectory = $root_directory; // Comments directory path $this->commentsRoot = $root_directory . '/comments'; // Root directory for HTTP $this->httpRoot = $http_directory; // Backend directory for HTTP $this->httpBackend = $this->joinPaths ($http_directory, 'backend'); // Image directory for HTTP $this->httpImages = $this->joinPaths ($http_directory, 'images'); // Domain name for refer checking & notifications $this->domain = Misc::getArrayItem ($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST') ?: 'localhost'; // Load JSON settings $this->loadSettingsFile (); } // Joins to paths together with proper slashes in between public function joinPaths ($path1, $path2) { // Remove trailing slashes from first path $path1 = rtrim ($path1, '/'); // Remove leading and trailing slashes from second path $path2 = trim ($path2, '/'); // Construct new path $path = $path1 . '/' . $path2; // Remove trailing slashes from new path $path = rtrim ($path, '/'); // And return new path return $path; } // Synchronizes specific settings after remote changes public function syncSettings () { // Theme path $this->themePath = 'themes/' . $this->theme; // Check if timezone is set to auto if ($this->serverTimezone === 'auto') { // If so, set timezone setting to current timezone $this->serverTimezone = date_default_timezone_get (); } else { // If not, set timezone to given timezone $tz = @date_default_timezone_set ($this->serverTimezone); // And throw exception if timezone ID is invalid if ($tz === false) { throw new \Exception (sprintf ( '"%s" is not a valid timezone', $this->serverTimezone )); } } // Convert timezone to ICU-style title case format, eg. America/Los_Angeles $this->serverTimezone = ucwords ($this->serverTimezone, '/_'); // Disable likes and dislikes if cookies are disabled if ($this->setsCookies === false) { $this->allowsLikes = false; $this->allowsDislikes = false; } // Store status of each form field as array $this->formFields = array ( 'name' => $this->nameField, 'password' => $this->passwordField, 'email' => $this->emailField, 'website' => $this->websiteField ); // Disable password if name is disabled if ($this->nameField === 'off') { $this->passwordField = 'off'; } // Disable login if name or password is disabled if ($this->nameField === 'off' or $this->passwordField === 'off') { $this->allowsLogin = false; } // Disable autologin if login is disabled if ($this->allowsLogin === false) { $this->usesAutoLogin = false; } // Check if the Gravatar default image name is not custom if ($this->gravatarDefault !== 'custom') { // If so, list Gravatar default image names $gravatar_defaults = array ('identicon', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', 'retro'); // And set Gravatar default image to custom if its value is invalid if (!in_array ($this->gravatarDefault, $gravatar_defaults, true)) { $this->gravatarDefault = 'custom'; } } // Backend directory for HTTP $this->httpBackend = $this->joinPaths ($this->httpRoot, 'backend'); // Image directory for HTTP $this->httpImages = $this->joinPaths ($this->httpRoot, 'images'); } // Accepts an array of settings to override default settings protected function overrideSettings (array $settings, $class = 'Settings') { // Loop through JSON data foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { // Check if the key contains dashes if (mb_strpos ($setting, '-') !== false) { // If so, convert setting key to lowercase $setting = mb_strtolower ($setting); // Then convert dashed-case setting key to camelCase $setting = preg_replace_callback ('/-([a-z])/S', function ($grp) { return mb_strtoupper ($grp[1]); }, $setting); } // Check if setting from JSON data exists if (property_exists ('HashOver\\' . $class, $setting)) { // If so, get default setting type $type = gettype ($this->{$setting}); // Skip setting if its an empty string if ($type === 'string' and empty ($value)) { continue; } // Otherwise, override setting if types match if (gettype ($value) === $type) { $this->{$setting} = $value; } } } // Synchronize settings $this->syncSettings (); } // Overrides settings based on JSON data protected function loadJsonSettings ($json) { // Parse JSON data $settings = @json_decode ($json, true); // Check if JSON data parsed as an array if (is_array ($settings)) { // If so, use it to override settings $this->overrideSettings ($settings, 'Settings'); } else { // If not, just synchronize settings $this->syncSettings (); } } // Reads JSON settings file and uses it to override default settings protected function loadSettingsFile () { // JSON settings file path $path = $this->getAbsolutePath ('config/settings.json'); // Check if JSON settings file exists if (file_exists ($path)) { // If so, read the file $json = @file_get_contents ($path); // And override settings $this->loadJsonSettings ($json); } else { // If not, just synchronize settings $this->syncSettings (); } } // Type juggle string values of an array protected function juggleStringArray (array $data) { // Run through array foreach ($data as &$value) { // Cast boolean strings to actual booleans if ($value === 'true' or $value === 'false') { $value = ($value === 'true'); continue; } // Cast numeric strings to floats if (is_numeric ($value)) { $value = (float)($value); continue; } // Type juggle nested arrays if (is_array ($value)) { $value = $this->juggleStringArray ($value); continue; } } // And return type juggled values return $data; } // Override default settings by with cfg URL queries public function loadFrontendSettings (array $cfg = null) { // Check if no settings were passed directly if ($cfg === null) { // If so, attempt to get user settings from GET data if (!empty ($_GET['cfg'])) { $cfg = $_GET['cfg']; } // Attempt to get user settings from POST data if (!empty ($_POST['cfg'])) { $cfg = $_POST['cfg']; } } // Check if cfg queries is an array if (!empty ($cfg) and is_array ($cfg)) { // If so, type juggle cfg queries $settings = $this->juggleStringArray ($cfg); // Only override settings safe to expose to the frontend $this->overrideSettings ($settings, 'SafeSettings'); // And store original settings string array as property $this->cfgQueries = $cfg; } } // Returns a server-side absolute file path public function getAbsolutePath ($file) { return $this->joinPaths ($this->rootDirectory, $file); } // Returns a client-side path for a file within the HashOver root public function getHttpPath ($file) { return $this->joinPaths ($this->httpRoot, $file); } // Returns a client-side path for a file within the backend directory public function getBackendPath ($file) { return $this->joinPaths ($this->httpBackend, $file); } // Returns a client-side path for a file within the images directory public function getImagePath ($filename) { $path = $this->joinPaths ($this->httpImages, $filename); $path .= '.' . $this->imageFormat; return $path; } // Returns a client-side path for a file within the configured theme public function getThemePath ($file, $http = true) { // Path to the requested file in the configured theme $theme_file = $this->joinPaths ($this->themePath, $file); // Use the same file from the default theme if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists ($this->getAbsolutePath ($theme_file))) { $theme_file = 'themes/default/' . $file; } // Convert the theme file path for HTTP use if told to if ($http !== false) { $theme_file = $this->getHttpPath ($theme_file); } return $theme_file; } // Checks if connection is on HTTPS/SSL public function isHTTPS () { // Request headers that use an INI-style format (on/1, off/0/empty) $ini_style = array ( 'HTTPS', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL', 'HTTP_FRONT_END_HTTPS' ); // Request headers that store an actual protocol (http/https) $protocols = array ( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL' ); // Run through INI-style headers foreach ($ini_style as $key) { // Attempt to get HTTPS header $https = Misc::getArrayItem ($_SERVER, $key); // The connection is HTTPS if server says so if (strtolower ($https) === 'on' or $https === '1') { return true; } } // Run through protocol headers foreach ($protocols as $key) { // Attempt to get protocol header $proto = Misc::getArrayItem ($_SERVER, $key); // The connection is HTTPS if client requested HTTPS if (strtolower ($proto) === 'https') { return true; } } // Assume connection is HTTPS on standard SSL port if (Misc::getArrayItem ($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT') === '443') { return true; } // Otherwise, assume connection is HTTP return false; } // Check if a given API format is enabled public function apiCheck ($api) { // Check if the given API is enabled if (is_array ($this->enabledApi)) { // Return true if all available APIs are enabled if (in_array ('all', $this->enabledApi)) { return true; } // Return true if the given API is enabled if (in_array ($api, $this->enabledApi)) { return true; } } // Otherwise, throw exception by default throw new \Exception ( 'This API is not enabled.' ); } }