
// Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// I, Jacob Barkdull, hereby release this work into the public domain.
// This applies worldwide. If this is not legally possible, I grant any
// entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any
// conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

// Simplified Chinese text for forms, buttons, links, and tooltips
$locale = array (
'comment-form' => '在这里写点什么吧…',
'reply-form' => '请在这里输入你要回复的内容…',
'comment-formatting' => '格式化',
'allowed-html' => '接受HTML',
'allowed-markdown' => '接受Markdown',
'html-format' => '&lt;b&gt;,&lt;u&gt;,&lt;i&gt;,&lt;s&gt;,&lt;big&gt;,&lt;em&gt;,&lt;small&gt;,&lt;strong&gt;,&lt;sub&gt;,&lt;sup&gt;,&lt;pre&gt;,&lt;ul&gt;,&lt;ol&gt;,&lt;li&gt;,&lt;blockquote&gt;,&lt;code&gt;转义HTML,网址自动成为链接,[img]URL在这里[/img] 将显示外部图像。',
'markdown-format' => '**粗体**,_强调_,*斜体*,~~删除线~~,`突出`,```code```转义HTML。 HTML和Markdown可以在您的评论中一起使用。',
'post-button' => '发表评论',
'login' => '登陆',
'login-tip' => '登陆 (可选)',
'logout' => '退出',
'be-first-name' => '沙发空缺中,还不快抢?',
'pending-name' => '请稍后…',
'deleted-name' => '已删除…',
'error-name' => '出错了…',
'be-first-note' => '写下第一个评论!',
'login-required' => '你必须登录后才能发表评论!',
'pending-note' => '此评论正在等待批准。',
'deleted-note' => '此评论已经被删除了。',
'error-note' => '出了些问题。无法查看此评论。',
'options' => '选项',
'cancel' => '取消',
'reply-to-comment' => '回复评论',
'edit-your-comment' => '编辑你的评论',
'optional' => '可选',
'required' => '必填',
'name' => '昵称',
'name-tip' => '昵称 (%s)',
'password' => '密码',
'password-tip' => '密码 (%s,允许您编辑或删除此评论)',
'confirm-password' => '确认密码',
'email' => '邮箱',
'email-tip' => '邮箱 (%s,用于接收通知邮件)',
'website' => '网址',
'websites' => '网址',
'website-tip' => '网址 (%s)',
'logged-in' => '您已成功登录!',
'logged-out' => '您已成功退出!',
'comment-needed' => '您未能输入正确的评论。使用下面的表格。',
'reply-needed' => '您未能输入正确的回复。使用下面的表格。',
'field-needed' => '「%s」是必须要填写的。',
'post-fail' => 'Oops!你没有足够的权限。',
'comment-deleted' => '评论已删除!',
'post-reply' => '发表回复',
'delete' => '删除',
'permanently-delete' => '永久删除',
'subscribe' => '有回复通知我',
'subscribe-tip' => '订阅电子邮件通知',
'edit-comment' => '编辑评论',
'status' => '状态',
'status-approved' => '批准',
'status-pending' => '等待审核',
'status-deleted' => '标记为已删除',
'save' => '保存',
'no-email-warning' => '如果不填写邮箱,你将不会收到对你评论的回复通知。',
'invalid-email' => '输入的邮箱是无效的。',
'delete-comment' => '你确定要删除此评论吗?',
'post-a-comment' => '发表评论',
'post-a-comment-on' => '在「%s」发表评论',
'most-popular-comment' => '热门评论',
'most-popular-comments' => '热门评论',
'showing-comment' => '%d条评论',
'showing-comments' => '%d条评论',
'counting-reply' => '%d条回复',
'counting-replies' => '%d条回复',
'sort' => '类别',
'sort-ascending' => '默认',
'sort-descending' => '以相反的顺序',
'sort-by-date' => '最新发表优先',
'sort-by-likes' => '点赞最多优先',
'sort-by-replies' => '回复最多优先',
'sort-by-discussion' => '讨论模式',
'sort-by-popularity' => '人气模式',
'sort-by-name' => '评论者模式',
'threads' => '更多模式',
'in-reply-to' => '回复%s',
'thread-tip' => '返回顶部',
'comments' => '条评论',
'replies' => '条回复',
'edit' => '编辑',
'reply' => '回复',
'like' => '个赞',
'likes' => '个赞',
'liked' => '已点赞',
'unlike' => '不赞了',
'like-comment' => '点赞此评论',
'liked-comment' => '取消此评论的赞',
'dislike' => '不喜欢',
'dislikes' => '不喜欢',
'disliked' => '不喜欢',
'dislike-comment' => '不喜欢这条评论',
'disliked-comment' => '你已经不喜欢这条评论了',
'commenter-tip' => '您的邮箱将不会收到通知',
'subscribed-tip' => '将通过邮箱通知',
'unsubscribed-tip' => '未订阅邮箱通知',
'show-other-comment' => '显示其它%d条评论',
'show-other-comments' => '显示其它%d条评论',
'show-comment' => '已有%d条评论',
'show-comments' => '已有%d条评论',
'date-year' => '%d年以前',
'date-years' => '%d年以前',
'date-month' => '%d月以前',
'date-months' => '%d月以前',
'date-day' => '%d天前',
'date-days' => '%d天前',
'date-today' => '今天%s',
'untitled' => '无标题',
'external-image-tip' => '点击查看外部图像',
'loading' => '加载中…',
'click-to-close' => '点击关闭',
'hashover-comments' => 'HashOver评论',
'rss-feed' => 'RSS订阅',
'source-code' => '源代码',
'new-comment' => '新评论',
'from' => '来自%s',
'comment' => '评论',
'page' => '页',
'sent-by' => '此电子邮件由%s通过HashOver发送。',
'enabled' => '已启用',
'disabled' => '已禁用',

'source-code-sub' => 'HashOver服務器端源代碼查看器',
'type' => '类型',
'path' => '路径',
'view-as' => '查看为',
'text' => '文本',
'download' => '下载',

'documentation' => '文档',
'coming-soon' => '即将推出',
'example' => '示例',
'back' => '返回',
'value' => '价值',

'successful-save' => '成功保存!',
'failed-to-save' => '无法保存!检查权限。',
'permissions-info' => '给/「%s」权限0755和「%s」用户的所有权。',

'admin' => '管理员',
'moderation' => '审核',
'block-ip-addresses' => 'IP阻止',
'filter-url-queries' => 'URL过滤',
'settings' => '设置',
'check-for-updates' => '更新',

'admin-required' => '您必须以管理员身份登录',

'blocklist-title' => '阻止IP地址',
'blocklist-sub' => '阻止特定的IP地址',
'blocklist-ip-tip' => 'IP地址或空白删除',

'url-queries-title' => '过滤网址查询',
'url-queries-sub' => '过滤哪些URL查询应该被忽略',
'url-queries-name-tip' => '查询名称或空白删除',
'url-queries-value-tip' => '查询值或空白的任何值',

'settings-sub' => '更改各种设置',
'moderation-sub' => '发布,编辑,批准和删除评论',
'no-threads' => 'No threads found. Create one by using HashOver on one of your web pages and posting a comment.',

'general' => '一般',
'e-mail' => '电子邮件',
'cookies' => '饼干',
'comment-collapsing' => '评论崩溃',
'popular-comments' => '热门评论',
'spam-protection' => '垃圾邮件保护',
'avatars' => '头像',
'form-fields' => '表格/字段',
'date-time' => '日期和时间',
'technical' => '技术',

'setting-language' => '语言',
'setting-theme' => '主题',
'setting-default-sorting' => '默认评论排序顺序',
'setting-uses-moderation' => '普通用户发布的评论需要审核',
'setting-pends-user-edits' => '普通用户编辑的评论需要审核',
'setting-data-format' => '评论数据格式',
'setting-sends-notifications' => 'Send e-mail notifications to',
'setting-mailer' => '通知电子邮件递送方法',
'setting-mail-type' => '通知电子邮件的格式',
'setting-default-name' => '默认评论者名称',
'setting-allows-images' => '允许在评论中显示图片',
'setting-allows-login' => '允许用户登录',
'setting-allows-likes' => '允许用户评论',
'setting-allows-dislikes' => '允许用户不喜欢评论',
'setting-uses-ajax' => '启用异步JavaScript功能',
'setting-collapses-interface' => '折叠整个HashOver用户界面',
'setting-collapses-comments' => '折叠可配置的评论数量',
'setting-collapse-limit' => '要折叠的评论数量',
'setting-reply-mode' => '评论帖子的显示模式',
'setting-stream-depth' => '数据流在数据流平坦化之前',
'setting-popularity-threshold' => '评论需要流行的喜欢的网络数量',
'setting-popularity-limit' => '显示的热门评论数量',
'setting-uses-markdown' => '启用Markdown支持',
'setting-server-timezone' => '服务器时区',
'setting-uses-user-timezone' => '在用户的时区(JavaScript模式)中显示日期/时间',
'setting-uses-short-dates' => '启用较短的日期/时间(例如「1天前」',
'setting-time-pattern' => '时间格式,使用「HH:mm」24小时格式',
'setting-date-pattern' => '日期格式',
'setting-time-format' => '时间格式,使用「H:i」24小时格式',
'setting-date-format' => '日期格式',
'setting-displays-title' => '启用页面标题的显示',
'setting-form-position' => '主评论表单的位置',
'setting-uses-auto-login' => '当他们发表评论时自动登录用户',
'setting-shows-reply-count' => '显示回复次数与总次数分开',
'setting-counts-deletions' => '在评论计数中包含已删除的评论',
'setting-icon-mode' => '阿凡达图标显示模式',
'setting-icon-size' => '阿凡达图标大小',
'setting-image-format' => '图标和其他图像的格式',
'setting-uses-labels' => '在输入上显示标签',
'setting-uses-cancel-buttons' => '在评论表单中显示取消按钮',
'setting-appends-css' => '自动添加HashOver CSS到页面',
'setting-appends-rss' => '将HashOver RSS Feed链接添加到页面',
'setting-login-method' => '用户登录系统',
'setting-sets-cookies' => '启用Cookie',
'setting-cookie-expiration' => '相对cookie到期日',
'setting-secure-cookies' => '使用安全的HTTPS专用Cookie',
'setting-stores-ip-address' => '启用存储用户IP地址',
'setting-subscribes-user' => '订阅用户默认通过电子邮件通知',
'setting-allows-user-replies' => '将用户电子邮件设置为「答复通知」中的「回复」',
'setting-noreply-email' => '用于向普通用户发送电子邮件通知的电子邮件地址',
'setting-spam-database' => 'SPAM数据库位置',
'setting-spam-check-modes' => '在下执行垃圾邮件检查的模式',
'setting-gravatar-force' => '使用主题Gravatar图像而不是化身',
'setting-gravatar-default' => '使用默认的Gravatar主题',
'setting-minifies-javascript' => '启用JavaScript缩小',
'setting-minify-level' => 'JavaScript缩小级别',
'setting-local-metadata' => '允许页面元数据从本地主机更新',
'setting-name-field' => '用户名字段',
'setting-password-field' => '用户密码字段,用于编辑权限',
'setting-email-field' => '用户通知电子邮件字段',
'setting-website-field' => '用户网站URL字段'